Lower Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip,

Hey Fashionistas,

I hope you all had a great weekend! I certainly had a blast! In my previous post I already talked about the Canyonlands National Park but this was not the only national park we visited. I know I haven’t really posted any fashion related posts lately but I just want to show off some of my amazing nature photography. It would be a shame not to share these images with the world!

On Sunday we visited the Arch National Park which was also amazing. Compared to Saturday the weather changed completely and it started snowing and it was pretty cold. Within seconds the park looked like a winter wonderland. If you want to see more pictures about this park take a look at my Instagram account!

On Monday we decided to hit the road and drive all the way to Arizona to see the horseshoe bend and the lower antelope canyon. In case you want to visit the Lower Antelope Canyon be sure to buy and reserve a tour ticket in advance. You can not visit this canyon without a tour. Tickets retail for about $25 per person online whereas the ticket will cost you $33 at the place. Not included is a $8 fee per person. At the beginning, it might seem a little expensive for an hour tour through some canyons but let me tell you it is worth the money. Our tour guide was super fun and he also took a lot of pictures for us. Maybe you even recognize one particular image. Hint: It is an Apple screensaver image. 

After that, we visited the Horseshoe bend which is only 15 minutes away and the entrance is free. The view is breathtaking and the colors are super vibrant! Be careful if you are afraid of heights there is no fence that protects you from falling down.

On Monday afternoon it was time for us to return home. From Arizona, we drove about 8 - 9 hours back to LA. In case you are interested in visiting the Lower Antelope Canyon, I suggest combining your trip to the Grand Canyon from there it is only a 2-hour drive.

Thanks for stopping by!

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip,

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip,

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip,

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip,

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip,

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip,

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip, german blondy

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip, german blondy

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip, german blondy

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip, german blondy

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip, german blondy

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip, german blondy

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip, german blondy

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip, german blondy

lower antelope canyon, horseshoe bend, Arizona, travel, trip, german blondy


  1. Hi liebe Nina!
    Mensch, das sind ja großartige Bilder, die du gemacht hast, wahnsinn! Wenn ich es irgendwann noch einmal über den Teich schaffe, in deine Richtung und meine Lieblingsstadt LA, dann muss ich dort bei den Canyons auch noch vorbei! :)
    Drück dich

    1. Hi Anna!!

      Danke für die lieben Worte! Die Canyons sind echt schön allerdings auch 9 stunden Autofahrt entfernt :)

      Drück dich ganz doll!
